Illinois Corporate Accountability Progress Reports |
According to Section 20 (b) of the Act: "For each
development assistance agreement (as defined by the
Act) for which the date of assistance has occurred
in the prior calendar year, each recipient shall
submit to the Department a progress report." Section
20(d) further indicates that "by June 1, 2005 and by
June 1 of each year thereafter, the Department shall
compile and publish all data in all of the progress
reports in both written and electronic form."
You may use one or more of the following filters (drop down lists) to view the list of available progress reports.
As soon as you click on one of the filters, the system will display all reports that meet the criteria.
The default sort order is ascending by company. You can change the sort order by clicking on a column heading. Clicking the same heading again will sort in the reverse order.
To view a progress report, click on the View Report link for a particular company/site.
The report is a pdf document which will be opened in a new browser window.
Report Year: |
Award Year: |
Program Type: |
Print Report |